Hi! Here are some things published in my name this week (they were published in my name because I wrote them).
- This Note-Taking App Can Replace Four of the Most Popular Productivity Tools Lifehacker Obsidian is the best thing happening in technology right now—an application made with its users in mind and supported by an active community. I wish more software was like this.
- Windows Finally Has a ‘Sudo’-Style Command Too Lifehacker Big news for Linux users who are forced to use Windows sometimes.
- This Site Gives Your Bluesky Profile a MySpace Makeover Lifehacker This is ridiculous so naturally I love it.
- This Free App Helps You Make Cocktails With Ingredients You Already Have Lifehacker It’s really nice when you find a great free app with no ads or in-app payments. This is one of those—download it if you ever make drinks.
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