The internet doesn’t have to feel like this
Living online can feel…numbing. Bo Burnham perhaps captured that best with That Funny Feeling, a song made up of various unrelated phrases that simulate the feeling…
Find small ways to feel like yourself
I’ve been freelancing as a journalist full time for two and a half years now, which feels great. I am occasionally exhausted, and sometimes miss…
You’re doing great.
I want to talk to you, yes you, about any lingering sense of guilt you might have. Let it go. You’re doing fine. Better than…
Tech is cool; business is boring.
AI isn’t a solution looking for a problem—it’s a market strategy made by people who aren’t even thinking about problems.
Watch me be in three meetings at once
You can be forgiven if you have the impression that I hate AI. I do have profound concerns with the ways the technology is being…
Garbage in garbage out
Google put a box of AI-generated text at the top of their search results. If you don’t know what that means, I’m talking about the…
“Number go up” isn’t everything
I have no idea how many people read my articles. I love it. This hasn’t always been true. When I worked at a culty tech company,…
The life changing magic of shutting up
Here’s a secret the people who run social media networks don’t want you to know—the one thing you can do to mess up their entire…
Startup founders: hire me to be your CEO
An open letter. You should make me the CEO of your company. I promise to upset your investors in ways that are really, really, funny.…
In 2020 what we need is utopia, but even Star Trek is jaded
I caught up on Star Trek: Picard. My main thought: What is the point of western civilization if even Star Trek can’t be hopeful? Star…