Tag: tech
Watch me be in three meetings at once
You can be forgiven if you have the impression that I hate AI. I do have profound concerns with the ways the technology is being…
The life changing magic of shutting up
Here’s a secret the people who run social media networks don’t want you to know—the one thing you can do to mess up their entire…
Startup founders: hire me to be your CEO
An open letter. You should make me the CEO of your company. I promise to upset your investors in ways that are really, really, funny.…
On the shutdown: call out bullshit, then question your own.
As you know by now the US government’s been held hostage by right-wing extremists. These people thought Romney was going to win in a landslide,…
Hey, media: stop letting Apple use you as its PR department.
For all the talk of social media being the future of marketing, one company stands outside it all: Apple. This company’s every move is speculated…
Gas Is Too Cheap
Gas prices are too low. Far, far too low. Within decades we will regret ever charging as little as four dollars a gallon for gas.…
People Talking Without Speaking: The Ignored Disaster
Sitting in front a computer. That’s what I do lately. It’s what most of us do lately. Learn the conventions of the web. Tweet it.…
‘Grapes of Wrath’ and the Great Recession
It’s difficult to think of anything new to say about The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck’s masterpiece. But recently I, after years of Kathy insisting I…