Author: The Justin Pot Blog
Canada: it’s time to boycott American social media
The dumbest trade war in world history is underway and Canadians are responding to the idiocy by changing their spending habits. American liquors have been…
Make a 2025 MySpace page and other stuff I wrote this week
Hi! Here are some things published in my name this week (they were published in my name because I wrote them).
Don’t get your news from social media
This is the second article in a series about how to function as a human person online in this clusterfuck of an era. You can…
YouTube’s horrifying AI and other things I wrote this week
Hi! For the past few years I’ve been writing mostly about macOS and the iPhone, mostly because those are the devices I use day-to-day. I’ve…
Reject anxiety bait
The past month has been the longest year of my life. I’m sure I’m not alone on this. It is impossible to ignore the onslaught…
The best language learning apps and other stuff I wrote lately
A week ago Wirecutter published my recommendations for the best language learning apps. It took ages to test all the applications and then to write the…
Microsoft made a fake Google homepage because they don’t respect you
You’re a person—I hope this is obvious to you. It’s not obvious to tech companies. No, tech companies see you as a number.I used to…
the future of mindless scrolling
What is social media for? I would argue, perhaps naively, that social media is a tool we can use to connect with each other. The…
The internet doesn’t have to feel like this
Living online can feel…numbing. Bo Burnham perhaps captured that best with That Funny Feeling, a song made up of various unrelated phrases that simulate the feeling…
Find small ways to feel like yourself
I’ve been freelancing as a journalist full time for two and a half years now, which feels great. I am occasionally exhausted, and sometimes miss…