Category: Commentary
Reject anxiety bait
The past month has been the longest year of my life. I’m sure I’m not alone on this. It is impossible to ignore the onslaught…
the future of mindless scrolling
What is social media for? I would argue, perhaps naively, that social media is a tool we can use to connect with each other. The…
The internet doesn’t have to feel like this
Living online can feel…numbing. Bo Burnham perhaps captured that best with That Funny Feeling, a song made up of various unrelated phrases that simulate the feeling…
Find small ways to feel like yourself
I’ve been freelancing as a journalist full time for two and a half years now, which feels great. I am occasionally exhausted, and sometimes miss…
You’re doing great.
I want to talk to you, yes you, about any lingering sense of guilt you might have. Let it go. You’re doing fine. Better than…
Tech is cool; business is boring.
AI isn’t a solution looking for a problem—it’s a market strategy made by people who aren’t even thinking about problems.
Watch me be in three meetings at once
You can be forgiven if you have the impression that I hate AI. I do have profound concerns with the ways the technology is being…
“Number go up” isn’t everything
I have no idea how many people read my articles. I love it. This hasn’t always been true. When I worked at a culty tech company,…
The life changing magic of shutting up
Here’s a secret the people who run social media networks don’t want you to know—the one thing you can do to mess up their entire…
Startup founders: hire me to be your CEO
An open letter. You should make me the CEO of your company. I promise to upset your investors in ways that are really, really, funny.…